• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 27th, 2023


  • I’d definitely suggest going for a distro running a more recent kernel. I got Arch up and running easily enough with the archinstall script.

    Fedora worked like “a charm” too. Probably the best Linux experience ‘out-of-the-box’ for sure.

    Hate to say it, but the actual best distro to run on your AMD FW13 might be WSL though LOL. At least for right now, depending on your moral compass and your tolerance for wonkiness.

    AMD driver support on Linux seemed a bit lackluster. I also think even Richard Stallman would have a tough time getting similar battery life right now.

    I ended up ditching my principals and slapping Win 11 on it for more confidence-inducing GPU drivers and to cure its insomnia. Licensed through a legitimate source, of course.

    Okay, I’m ready for my downvotes lol.

  • To be honest part of me wishes I had, given the state my DIY kit arrived in yesterday.

    Then I realized it’s pretty shitty that I even have to think like that. DIY is a core part of the reason the laptop is special IMO. It’s a major part of why I was willing to wait 3 months to receive a laptop to begin with.

    I wasn’t a fan of seeing them make a point to say that the prebuilt model is safer in shipping. Like I get it, but as someone who actually purchased and waited for a DIY kit, I want to hear more details about the way they are improving packaging, and I want to hear a clear message about how support is going to be handled. I don’t want to feel stupid for not opting for the more expensive option.

    I submitted a ticket yesterday, got an almost immediate response saying that it was unacceptable and that someone would reach out to me soon. It has been 26 hours since then. Getting the feeling that with Thanksgiving it will be multiple days before this RMA process even gets started.

  • I’m a 13900k owner running 4 sticks of ddr5. Only 64gb, so take it with a grain of salt for 128+.

    My experience is that 4 sticks and high capacities are absolutely stable… until you decide you want your RAM faster than JEDEC.

    I finally got my 4-sticks of DDR5 running stable at their rated 6000MT/s, but it was… a painful process. I learned more about RAM overclocking than I ever wanted to, and it involved manually adjusting voltage settings and multiple overnight MemTest passes.

  • banzai_420BtoFramework@hardware.watchTrackpad
    1 year ago

    First time using a non-Mac trackpad or something?

    This made me chuckle, because it reminded of when I got my first Windows laptop a couple years ago coming from Mac. Mid-range MSI gaming laptop, 99% of the budget was sunk into CPU+GPU. I RMA’ed it thinking I had a defective trackpad, got the replacement and realized that nope, they just suck as a feature.

    And should be nearly impossible near the top.

    I get what you’re saying, but I wouldn’t go that far. Just because something has been done the same way for 20 years doesn’t mean that’s the way it should be. The gap in quality between Apple trackpads and… literally everything else is embarrassing for the industry, and should be complained about IMO.