disable hardware acceleration and ingame overlay in discord
disable hardware acceleration and ingame overlay in discord
Disagree with necro. The hero has a very unique and not obvious way of playing/winning the lane (timing pulse to mess up enemy last hits and keeping your wave alive to chase opponent under their tower). And the nature of the hero (being annoying/unkillable) will make enemies itemize against and focus you which is hard to deal with unless you own your lane (also lasthits are you lifeline, so if you suck at cs, you are sad). Also don’t think DK is a good hero to learn mid. He is all about ignoring mid laning mechanics since most heroes just can’t touch him. Viper is good. I’d also recommend qop. You’ll probably lose games, but she is the best for learning how to win mid IMO.
shit take. we have the meta of 4k hp unkillable str cores in every role and you want to make it WORSE? the most important thing about sange being the sole source of status resistance is that you can’t stack it like you used to with satanic. adding another item like that is not going to create an alternative, it’ll cause everyone to build both
i mean, yeah, it actually does make a lot of sense