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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2023


  • Yup. The first one I remember is a concert where I went to see the opener and didn’t much care for the main act. While I was on the floor during the opening act, I was next to a girl who seemed similarly enthused about that band. We definitely both noticed each other fangirling over this relatively unknown opening act. Then, afterward, I bumped into her on the balcony while the main act was playing, and she’s like “these guys kinda suck right? I think I’m gonna head out and get a drink at $nearby_bar”. And I totally missed the hint.

  • Even once mobile internet was introduced, it was really expensive and many businesses didn’t have a web presence that would work on mobile. It’s only since maybe 2011 that someone could look up a business on their phone and be relatively confident that they’d find contact info on a mobile friendly page and not blow out their monthly data allowance in the process.

  • This reminds me of a method of trying to evaluate art in an objective way. Basically you ask yourself 3 questions:

    • What is this trying to do?
    • Does it succeed in what it’s trying to do?
    • Is what it’s trying to do worth doing?

    If the answers to 2 and 3 are “yes”, then it’s probably a good work of art. This helps remove the subjectivity of “do I enjoy it?” when evaluating a work.

    I would say the answers for Desert Bus indicate that it is indeed a good work of art. It succeeds in being a monotonous parody of a video game which makes a political statement about what games would be if they lacked any fictional elements or conflict. And I think the statement P&T were trying to make with this game was definitely worth making. Plus, we know from the amount of people who play it as a streamed challenge game that there is some desire for a game like that to exist.