So as an addendum to both the Cover1 video AND this video, I highly suggest everyone here check out the article that was posted to The Athletic today on the subject: https://theathletic.com/5040500/2023/11/09/buffalo-bills-offense-defense-problems/
Here’s a non-paywalled link for the above article for folks too: https://archive.li/oFm1y
(If that link doesn’t work and you’re getting constantly prompted for captchas, you’re probably using CloudFlare’s DNS or another one that doesn’t work really well with the Archive site. See [https://www.reddit.com/r/DataHoarder/comments/118haqg/archiveph_webpage_archive_as_site_is/jwhqbsh/](for more of the technical details if you’re curious.) Also try using your ISP’s preferred one or Google’s (
What about the ending where I find all the obscure quests from NPCs that I have to talk to before certain locking events happen, then defeat the final final boss with a special item that allows me to get the best ending?
We win a Super Bowl and the jabronis shut up.