Does nginx give me anything over apache httpd in the year of our lord 2024? I’ve used both for hosting servers but never really understood the difference, as apache seems to have incorporated the important improvements that nginx made iirc.
Justa person in a weird weird world
Speaks: se,en,fr
Queer asf, vegan, GNU fangirl, libertarian socialist
Does nginx give me anything over apache httpd in the year of our lord 2024? I’ve used both for hosting servers but never really understood the difference, as apache seems to have incorporated the important improvements that nginx made iirc.
I think Xen does? It’s available on a few different operating systems but idk how user friendly it is compared to QEMU/KVM or bhyve.
I’ve really wanted to try bhyve but the lack of hardware passthrough support (PCIe GPU passthrough in my case) compared to KVM keeps me from it as of right now. Looks really good though.
Maybe mod_lua is an equivalent? I haven’t used OpenResty so there may be something I’m missing.