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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • None of these chickenshit cowards will respond because they know their arguments don’t hold up under the weight of reality. All they have is “b-but Kamala is doing the genocide now and Trump might not do it” when that’s so obviously false it’s kind of stunning. It’s how you know these fucks are either Republican trolls trying to undermine Kamala’s campaign because they know their candidate sucks or they’re just so marinated in propaganda and theory they lack the bandwidth to actually apply basic logic to even the most obvious of situations.

  • My truly white-hot take is that if I had to choose between Palestine being reduced to ash and losing me and my family’s rights and Palestine being reduced to ash and me and my family not losing my rights…I’m going to take the option that involves me and my family not losing my rights lol.

    And, to be frank, if I had to choose between helping a million strangers I’ve never met or not, with the lives of my family and friends on the line, I’d probably pick my family and friends over the strangers, regardless of the issue.

    You can moan and cry all you want about “you are voting for genocide” or whatever - the fact is that the world is much larger than Palestine. Other things are at stake here. How the fuck are all those Palestinians (who are still going to be bombed by the Republicans btw) going to deal with climate change as its effects worsen when a Republican administration takes power in the US and rolls back all our climate protections and attempts to mitigate climate change? The global poor are FUCKED if we don’t handle that shit as best we can ASAP. Full stop.

    I’m personally not interested in fucking over every other person on the planet for Palestine. Is the genocide horrible? Yes. Should it be stopped immediately? Yes. Do I want it to stop? Also, yes. But can I in good conscience actively utilize my vote to wring my hands over genocide and allow an even worse scenario to play out? Fuck no.

    There are more things at stake here than just Palestine. Shit sucks, but that’s the world we live in and there won’t be magical change just because you wring your hands and screech on the internet about how random people are “supporting a genocide by voting for Kamala” when any person with half a brain can see that the Republican party has acted the same way in the past and will actively accelerate it when given the chance (remember when Trump pissed everyone off by moving the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, effectively recognizing the stolen land there?). Grow the fuck up and see that the world isn’t so simple - sometimes there are no good options, only mildly less shitty ones.

  • If you think there aren’t already guns and homemade explosives already being made in the US, I have some bad news for you…

    As for the “securing our border,” you understand that in an ideal situation the people with the bombs and guns don’t use them, right? It’s bad for business if you have to use your weapons to force a crossing every time, when there are easier ways. Furthermore, such a dramatic escalation would certainly get the military involved if it became a large enough issue, which it isn’t.

    At the same time, it is ludicrous to even put border patrol and military equipment exports in the same place, as you said it yourself: military isn’t in charge of the border.

    How about this: if we want to defend America and help Ukraine, we do a compromise of things that are actually related to the military? Let’s get our leadership sorted and in exchange we free up the blocks to giving Ukraine stuff.

    Wait…Republicans are demanding a safer America while simultaneously crippling our army leadership AND stalling out a massive windfall for our geopolitical position? Why might that be?

    You don’t get to demand shit while not even fully supporting the thing you want.

  • Imagine thinking that Aid to Ukraine uses the same resources as border control lmfao

    When’s the last time we used an Abrams, Bradley, F-16, or anti-fank missiles to do border patrols?

    Remember dumbass: most “10 billion dollars to Ukraine” aid packages or whatever are actually just surplus equipment, and the dollar amount is used as an approximation of value. The reality is that most of that stuff is just gonna sit in storage for another decade before being dismantled. Anything that is newer is being manufactured in the United States, meaning it is essentially government spending money on American jobs!

    And if you wanna bitch and moan about defending our country, why are Republicans stalling military promotions? Is that not a bigger problem than some minor drug running?