I’ve been really really really like playing quickplay, especially since I usually play League of Legends as my late-night post-class relaxation (weird I know). The super quick queue times and the fact that it will always save ur champ options + skins every time you hop on to the game. The only thing I don’t like so far is that sometimes people get their secondary pick and troll with it (I had a yasuo jg with ignite no smite and duo topped) and that rn you can’t change your wards or emotes while u wait in queue.
Other than that, I really do love quickplay so far.
I have the mentality of “I need to end on a win” so when it’s late and I just wanna win so I can go to sleep I go co-op vs. ai and basically go you’re ending on a win whether you like it or not cuz going to sleep on a loss streak with low morale feels horrible ngl