The issue is that there is only 1 industry. And the end goal of ALL developers and companies is making money. The more the better. When other pools start seeing that pissong in the pool leaves them more money, than they ALL will start designing their games around this. It is this design choice that will infect pretty much all other games. The precedent it sets affects the whole industry.
And like you said before, the only way this is not an issue is if it does not generate additional money for them so that no other pools try to imitate. And this will only happen if nobody buys them. And this post is trying to dissuade those buyers so that this does not become rampart and then all games have it.
As a consumer we can use our choices where we spend to lead companies one way or the other. Spreading the word to not buy something is “doing something about it”. How effective it may be here in Lemmy, probably not very much, but it’s something.