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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 17th, 2023


  • Literature has ALWAYS been a reflection of the author’s values. Is it so surprising that the next generation cares about writing stories where gay people exist? Sure, there’s plenty of crap, but that’s always been the case, too. The good stuff will endure as it always has.

    Take LitRPG for example. Probably the definition of “quirky” genz writing you’re thinking of. It’s a young sub genre with largely young authors, and it’s absolutely full of crappy self-inset power fantasy drivel, some of which is actually really fun to read.

    BUT, if you look at some of the big names in the genre, say Dungeon Crawler Carl or He Who Fights With Monsters, there’s some incredibly talented writing, and important, potent discussion about power dynamics and values. It’s just presented alongside videogamey systems because people write what they know. And if it’s not clear, I highly recommend both of these series, even to non-gamers. I’ve tested both on 60+ year-olds to be safe.

    Sometimes things feel like pandering when authors are just writing their own experiences. As a bisexual man, I read a book recently where I thought it was a little odd how many gay characters there were. (And it was like 3, maybe). Then I stopped and thought about how many LGBTQ people are in my daily life and realized it’s way more than that, it was just my own previous experiences with books that made it seem weird.

    Idk, sorry for ranting, just think it’s something worth thinking about.