I thought I was the only one that did that lol
I thought I was the only one that did that lol
I’ve had the same brother laser printer since uni (shit thats like 10 years ago now) and it’s never let me down. The only issue is it stops responding over the network sometimes when I Havnt used it in months.
That was quite the read but pretty worth it. He talks about a lot of the mistakes he made not just in relation to his crime, but as a developer, project leader, and general human being.
He discusses what things he would have done differently, and how he thinks that could have changed things not only for him but his software as well.
He mentions multiple times how much he wishes that the conflict handling and social classes he has access to in prison, were available to him in school. He ends the letter with a call to action, for just that asking people to try and affect legislation to get more youth access to this information to avoid cases such as his.
Gotta bump those numbers up, that’s rookie stuff. I say we could do it in 5
I started listening to Look Mum No Computer after watching some of his tech videos on YT, he does a lot of synth stuff and it opened up a whole new world of music that I’ve been loving. If anyone has some similar stuff let me know!
Looks sick, I love seeing things made in Godot!
I second brother, mines been running strong for almost 10 years