Every game Lamar over throwing that deep ball
Every game Lamar over throwing that deep ball
Hate crap like this. Your adding in burrows future missed games vs games lamar has missed. Your presenting the data In a way to support your narrative. At this point lamar has missed more games than burrow at the end of the year it will be a difference story
Who cares, we control what we control. Win out and doesn’t matter. We have the talent to do it with ease, just need to eliminate the bs
Will help pull out the smoke but will definitely feed the fire (creating more smoke). Bad idea
We’re we did not
At least the defense getting a break after that 11 min drive
Man was so excited going into this game at our injury report. Now our whole dam team is back on the report after this week
Was Lamar limping a bit? My stream cut out
Play to the whistle but I can’t fault the guy, game wasn’t on the line (though we need to play like it is) but play should have been blown dead way before, why risk injury, on a play that any other time would have been blown dead, on a drive that won’t affect the outcome of the game (at this point they needed the td, a on side kick, a TD/field goal, another onside kick, and another TD/FG)
Run Ethernet to your doorbell