Yeah, I’m pretty much doing this (keeping all 3090’s and water-cooled 3080’s), so your advice is solid.
When I first wrapped up my mining operation I had my niece try a giant lot of the GPU’s for a 15% cut (she sells stuff on ebay), and didn’t get any takers in a couple months with progressively lowered prices. She sold about $5k worth of cards individually, but that was it, wasn’t really worth it.
Guess it’s worth trying again via separating them into 3060ti and 3070 and whatever next time I’m traveling to her city and can drop them off to her.
Yeah, I’m on this side of the issue. How strong is your relationship, really? It’s not a pleasant thing to contemplate or hear, but starting and growing a new business is usually hell on relationships, and if your relationship is marginal or weak already, it may be better to decide and act on that now.
Divorce or unhappiness in a marriage is the dominant case (>50% for divorce, probably more like >75% when you factor in how many marriages are net unhappy), so real talk, with a base rate that high, most people are not currently in a relationship that is net positive and net happy and that will last. The rate of divorce when one partner is an entrepreneur is higher already, and highest still when undergoing the stress to start and grow a new business.
Given that context, seriously evaluate if she’s the right person to be your partner as you go forward, because it’s going to get 10x harder and more stressful for both of you if you actually put in the work and successfully grow your business, and if she’s fighting you already, it’s going to be five times harder to put in the work to succeed along the way.
And if your current relationship is weak in any way, the odds are that the cumulative years of greater stress will break you up anyways.
If you believe that is likely to be the case, much better to do it now before more success and more money, and then you’ll also be able to put in longer hours to grow the biz without being harassed and nagged and stressed about it.