They could, but not this patch, they might only reduce Bash damage, increase bulldoze CD and call it a day.
They could, but not this patch, they might only reduce Bash damage, increase bulldoze CD and call it a day.
This is the main reason, you become a farming machine when you get lvl 5 and phase boots, so from when you are not ganking enemy heroes you are farming creepwave and neutrals in the meantime, you get key items way faster than any other pos 3 or 4.
Well is a shackle, tbh it should search on a radius around the target and latch it to a tree, also it should pull to it and make some dps.
Its is bad, but not as bad as Mirana’s because the vector damage is just ridiculous, as disruptor you get 2 more strikes, which makes it a 690 damage spell, also dormant is only applied if you ground target it, casting on enemy will apply the debuff, and also with the new change, if you get shard and field on a teamfight is already godlike multitarget damage. Mirana’s shard won’t deal that much damage for that price.
Timber was too much nerfed and is bad vs magic damage meta carries, and Ursa is easy to kite at pro level, what surprise me is Abaddon and Slardar remaining unpicked, they are both buffed, we saw how DK was strong when picked because of his Aghs, too beefy, Slardar with aghs BM and HoT is good this meta too.
OP’s brand “new” post