What if you always dreamt of learning to play the violin though? That’s right out now, buddy.
What if you always dreamt of learning to play the violin though? That’s right out now, buddy.
Even worse, it’s an hour or two past midnight on new years eve and my social battery is flat, but the guests aren’t leaving. Yawning and checking my wrist watch doesn’t help. Cleaning the kitchen doesn’t help. What do?
To be fair, she could’ve been adopted.
Personally I prefer “arse” with an uppity RP (Received Pronunciation) accent.
Crossing your halberd with your bro gives the best “you shall not pass” energy.
Yeah, obviously Haber is credited with creating the Haber process. As for inventing synthetic fertilizer, I’m going for it being a Norwegian invention with the Birkeland-Eyde process.
Depending om what you mean by “inventing synthetic fertilizer”, couldn’t the invention be either Norwegian (Birkeland-Eyde), German (Haber), or English (Thomas)?
We truly are living in the future