I’m not gonna let y’all keep forgetting that the problem is CARMICHAEL it doesn’t matter who the QB they’re gonna be ass because of him as well.
I’m not gonna let y’all keep forgetting that the problem is CARMICHAEL it doesn’t matter who the QB they’re gonna be ass because of him as well.
Hell why not try it at the very least? Each player has there strengths. I’ve heard strong arguments for both
Not even gonna lie I was very into the little Shanghai sharks playing each other. Wanted that orange team comeback so bad
Were you not here last season?
My king 😭 stunt on them hoes!
It was the best of times and it was the worse of time (stewie griffin cries)
I agree at least try it
It’s mostly because it’s looking like someone (the front office?) is looking to push harden to be the ball carrier which unfortunately leaves Russ to be in the Lakers role of stand in the corner and fire that thang off
Did they not watch PG and Westy in OKC? Weren’t they great defenders and both top 5 in steals
Good game glad we’re on a streak. Lets keep it going
Man not even gone lie this made me really sad. 2018 will forever be sour in my book
Maybe…maybe Ty lue isn’t as great as I thought?
This game thread is complete ass. Do y’all even like this team lmao
Keep cooking them hoes broski! Shits getting mad annoying
Nah fuck that imma root for this team to lose until DA is gone. U can call me whatever but u not gonna call me delusional. The team isn’t gonna do anything special with the current coaches and that’s just facts