since you seem to consider alacritty, which is pretty minimal in features, maybe give foot a shot as well. i find it fits best into tiling wm land (sway, river, etc.) so might not be your cup of tea…
since you seem to consider alacritty, which is pretty minimal in features, maybe give foot a shot as well. i find it fits best into tiling wm land (sway, river, etc.) so might not be your cup of tea…
so you chord z + right hand keys and : + left hand keys?
i think i could get away with just having ctrl under a/: and maybe shift or super under s/l since i have alt under caps lock
i have been running qmk keyboards with capslock bound to esc on tap, alt when pressed as well + evdoublebind to achieve the same for the laptop’s builtin keyboard
i do like the idea of not having to come off the home row for ctrl-* mappings in vim
maybe my comment about gitlab didn’t come across right. i do find oxide’s model to be better and agree with their criticism of gitlab’s.
and as much as you are absolutely right about labour being treated much like any other commodity required for a company to extract value, that is precisely the issue being pointed at here, isn’t it?
we should differentiate and acknowledge that people are more complex than that. their experiment seems to create an atmosphere where work is being done despite compensation not being used as an incentive and instead to enable the worker to do the work.
i personally don’t think this should be a responsibility of a company at all, but rather society (or the state) should assure these conditions… but we are stuck with capitalism and this is a step towards something better :)
I always use to typeset documents like letters and such. I find it pleasant looking and it is supposedly easy to read for people with dyslexia.
not sure for i3, i think foot is wayland-only. but i have the same setup with sway and am very happy