I know that making your own image can be a real challenge when the output has almost 1GB. In next 24h I will try to put some images on Docker Hub.
I know that making your own image can be a real challenge when the output has almost 1GB. In next 24h I will try to put some images on Docker Hub.
But not like The One Ring!
Great idea! I will keep this in mind when updating the roadmap.
A great question! Frankly, it can be launched via any JS package manager + PocketBase executable, so it shouldn’t be that hard.
That being said, at the beginning I would like to keep it simple and stick with Docker.
Most definitely there will be an official browser extension. Grimoire is just meant to be accompanied by one! 🪄
It’s the magic of awesome DaisyUI we’re using! 🌼
The project relies heavily on PocketBase, a conscious decision. Although it could, and maybe even should, be abstracted later, the app will be limited in the authentication department by it.
In short: I can’t guarantee LDAP support in foreseeable future :(
It has many advantages over the HTTPS one. And also was always the preferred way of interacting with remote repositories by teams I worked with in my professional career.
I think this comment sums it up nicely: https://www.reddit.com/r/webdev/s/Ecg3lm5sfV
Thank you! I hope it will allow for smooth contributions for anyone willing to help make Grimoire better 🙂
Images from Docker Hub or GitHub Container Registry will be available soon :)
Grimoire uses https://metascraper.js.org/ for fetching metadata and website content as HTML and also text. Searching is not yet enabled for the latter, but it may change in the near future!
Firefox can use the same extension under the right conditions. I’m using it myself, so it’s one of my goals to make this happen!