Guaranteed if we would have lost yesterday they be yapping again. I’m doing the rain dance to the NBA gods that we play well again tomorrow, keep refs neutral, and beat the Champs. Probably hear a 30 second segment on it but a 30 minute segment about how the lakers dominated the wizards or whatever dumbshit the purple and yellow team do.
Its callled the tunnel suite. They have a private suite in the tunnel, buffet, drinks, couches, tvs, restrooms, think it sits 20 or 25 i csnt recall. Noclue on cost. They have 4 other sections no called the terrace suites. Midd level adjacent to PR similar concept but not as “luxurious” seen those privately sold for $550 a seat vs a standard team.
Nope. He hesitates on shots under the bucket and passes and when he doesn’t, his shot bangs around the rim and rims out.
man went from Uno to Stanley. SMH
Fuck the outside noise and trolls form other subs. Embrace the gawdam team, pray to the bball gods we stay healthy and let’s get this fucking chip!!!
Oh man…i have enough anxiety watching Zu out there trying to catch Brodies and The Systems passes. Now i get to have more anxiety watching another big struggle with passes too???
Defense? What defense?
As long as we win, then fucking homie can get 100. IDGAF. Let’s just win
Fuck that was bad. But we still in it. Get all the misses out today and play locked in tomorrow.