I’ve hosted my own email for 2 years now. Using proxmox mail gateway on a 5€ hetzner VPS. it relays mail to my mail server which I host at home. I’ve dealt with my home public IP changing every now and then with 2 simple scripts. SPF, DKIM, DMARC is all set up.
All in all, it’s relatively low maintenance. PMG makes a good job filtering all the crap and I have yet to receive and actual spam in my inbox (I only had a couple false positives).
I documented the whole setup, can share if you want.
Mkay, I don’t know how crazy this is going to sound but here you go:
Back 3 years ago, I was still crypto mining with a bunch of good old RX470s that had been running since 2017. I had like 8 rigs in the basement. I also had solar power on the roof, but not enough to make the mining “free” since I didn’t have batteries either so I had to do something to get the power bill down.
So…since my inverter was connected to the network with a simple web page where I could get information like the actual output, I set forth to code an automation to turn my rigs on or off depending on the output of my solar panels. I used a php script running in a cronjob on a linux machine, nsclient on the windows miners and some zwave plugs to automate the on/off procedure.
Worked great for like 2 years until I decommissioned it all.