What do you mean incentives to stay homeless? Does this include anything that reduces the discomfort of homelessness like food and medical care? I don’t have statistics about the number of homeless that actually choose to be homeless, which sounds like an impossible question to answer because. It seems likely that any homeless person would want an improvement to their lifestyle of some kind. Given the option of becoming a homeless drug addict versus not, what right-minded person would make that choice? It just isn’t a choice. Certainly, once you’re a homeless drug addict it really isn’t a choice anymore. A homeless drug addict can’t just decide not be a homeless drug addict. In fact I’d wager that once you’re a homeless drug addict, if you become housed it’s a lot harder to remain so. If a homeless drug addict becomes clean, it’s a lot harder for them to remain so. Virtually no one would choose that lifestyle. If it is such a great choice then choose it yourself!
You got the right idea I think. The boats are all smooshed together in a Marina so it’s natural for people to overestimate the number of boats relative to the number of people. There are way way way more people then there are boats. Honestly that’s the appeal of boats, the ability to go somewhere there aren’t a lot of people because most people don’t own boats.