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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023


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    "Ivy, you know who I am at this point. Let me attest that most of these people don’t actually do shit. There are layers of layers of management and shareholders that allow the average generational wealth billionaire to extract extreme amounts of wealth without doing shit. That’s honestly a good thing in your case, because anyone who actually has the ability to make obscene money in this universe is either a superhero or supervillain, and you would have just walked into their secret hideout.

    If you do kill him, the best case scenario is a collection of hedge funds you never heard of divy up his controlling shares and keep business as usual flowing. The worst case is Luthor buys the company and makes everything a million times worse as step one in a convoluted plan to kill superman via kryptonite laced micro plastics. The most likely thing is one of those technically secret society orgs seizing control because at this point they just need some win. My money is on the Owls. They’ve been humiliated so many times they’ve been officially downgraded to “community advisory committee”.

    I honestly don’t even understand where this is coming from. You and Freeze both have blank checks from both WayneTech and Star Labs to continue your research. Either of you alone could reverse large portions of climate change. If you really wanted to go the vigilante route, you could have just mind controlled him. Darksied is planning an invasion, there are no less than three evil AIs rolling around, I’m dealing with two separate split personalities, and I haven’t heard from the Joker in a while which means we’re all probably fucked. Even if I did notice, it would take me literal years to get around to actually fixing it. It feels like you are doing this because on some level you want to fail, because that’s easier than doing the hard work required to fix the systemic abuses of our system "

    “…So I take it the Therapy’s working, huh Bruce?”

    “Sort of. It’s Batman”.

    “Actually technically right now you’re Nightwing. Care to explain that?”

    “It’s a long story. The short of it is that I’m pulling double duty because Dick somehow forgot how to fucking Jump and Jason took Damien out for “Beer and Cigarettes”, which I can only hope is literal because anything it would be a metaphor for would involve no less than two dozen corpses.”.

    “Jesus Christ and Harley said I was carrying too much stress. I’ll come back next week, get some rest Bruce”


    "Nightwing "


  • I think you all have a delusionally inflated opinion of both Bernie Sanders and progressive politics as a whole.

    Bernie is a self described socialist. He lost in the primaries to middling candidates in both 2016 and 2020. He in particular has dismal performance among women over 30 and black people as a whole.

    The progressive movement as a whole is even worse. At least Bernie makes an attempt to win hearts and minds. Progressives are obsessed with insane purity tests and horrible messaging that alienates everyone who doesn’t already agree with them.

    Look at this tweet. The whole “anyone remotely to the right of me on Israel/Palestine is morally repugnant” stuff works in echo chambers, but would get you absolutely rocked in an election.

  • I guess I mean this in a relative way.

    I can talk about Star Wars and basically everyone I know has a lot of context. Most people have watched a good amount of it. Even people who are explicitly not nerds know about it. Same with most comic stuff.

    Meanwhile Star Trek is still a lot more niche. People know the bare basics of what it is, but that’s about it. With the exception of my SO, I’ve met a grand total of two people who watch it.

    Also if someone knows a lot about Star Wars or Marvel they don’t necessarily know a lot about other nerd IPs. Meanwhile the people who knew about Star Trek also knew about shit like Farscape, Dark Matter, and other IP that just gets confused looks from most people.

  • It’s interesting. If I were a teenager today I would read this and think Microsoft ruined what would have been an amazing game by corporate greed.

    I was a teenager when Fable III came out though, so I know better.

    First game reviews from that era are completely whack. You had a ton of big name game blogs that were basically giving everything a 9/10 if it was from the right publisher. The smaller blogs weren’t really in the internet zeitgeist until Fable III, so you could compare their scores of Fable I and II for reference.

    That being said, there was a lot of discussion about how Fable II was a bit of a disappointment. People felt that the system was a lot shallower than promised, and the game itself felt extremely on rails at times. None of the endings really change the world, which wouldn’t be that insulting if two of them didn’t involve your dog dying. I think saying that Fable II was amazingly well received is kinda bs.

    I can say for sure that putting the blame on Microsoft for Fable III over promising and under delivering is absolute horeshit. The guy behind Fable, Molyneux, was famous for pulling that crap. This was an era where basically virtually every single game trailer could have been an FTC violation of anyone was paying attention, and Molyneux somehow stood out beyond anyone else for how full of shit he was. At one point he implied that he developed AGI and implemented it in a video game.

    While Boomers got a lot of things wrong, as I get older I sort of understand where they are coming from. This article paints a narrative so incorrect it’s almost fictional, and it’s being propagated because most people interacting are too young to remember but somehow extremely self assured.