Tbh, I don’t think what I suggested was an actually viable solution, I was just pointing out the hypocrisy of the anti-immigration people. They just want a permanent class of vulnerable workers to exploit. If I had no morals and ran a business who exploited these low wage vulnerable workers, having the fear of being deported would certainly “keep them in line”, continue to work in these horrible conditions, and accept my low wages.
Of course none of the “illegal immigrant” discussions from the GOP touch on stemming the business side of things.
News flash, no candidate will ever court your vote since you are a fringe lunatic who doesn’t understand how anything works. Congrats, you and your fellow “leftists” enabled Trump. Spin it however you want, but the bullshit caring about Palestine is just that… bullshit. By pushing 3rd party votes, or not voting at all, you directly helped the Trump campaign.
Congrats comrade, you got what you wanted.