Thanks, but not really as the “time capsule” feature would be lost since the email would be sitting in my future-/scheduled-folder.
But in the end that might be what I end up doing if I can’t find a suitable service.
Thanks, but not really as the “time capsule” feature would be lost since the email would be sitting in my future-/scheduled-folder.
But in the end that might be what I end up doing if I can’t find a suitable service.
Ok, thanks I will have to dive into Emacs then and give it a try.
For app supported habit forming there are some gamification apps that some friends swear by but they’ve never really done it for me
These kind of apps come close to a subset of my needs, but their focus on tracking every thing and the long lists of everything just work against me.
As I wrote in another comment, the problem isn’t keeping track when things go well, the problem is getting to a state where things go well.
Oh, I know, procrastination is my drug of choice…
Fortunately I have a job that requires presence and readiness to act but very little actual work so I can indulge in this kind of thinking and these projects here :)
While I’m not primarily looking for a discussion about strategy I do understand it’s inevitable, so…
While this seems like a great strategy for you, it isn’t for me, I’ve tried this and many other strategies and failed at all.
I’m looking for this specific capabilty in the format because what I need is a low-stakes way to get back on the horse. And from my research and knowledge about myself this requirement (“forget if not done”) is the best I can work with. If you have ideas or systems that deal with this I’m open to discuss them
I don’t really need help when things are going well, but I will fail and I will drop all the balls and almost everything else for a few months for reasons, some days I will forget if I took my 08:00 medication or if I have eaten. Some weeks I wont be able to call my mother to check on her or my friends to make plans.
I need a place to see 3-5 meaningful things I can do right now, because if there are too many I get overwhelmed. If there is a long list of things I haven’t done I get too discouraged or if I have to start by figuring out what to do I get stuck on finding the best thing.
So, while I’m glad you can manage to just fucking do it, I can’t.
Thanks, this looks promising, I’ll investigate.
But also thanks for giving me the word “delayed” to use in my searches. Sometimes it’s hard to remember good synonyms.