I’m contacting you from an alternate timeline to tell you that I’m still angry
I’m contacting you from an alternate timeline to tell you that I’m still angry
I wonder what it sounds like to physically speak something in parentheses
In case you didn’t know, you can turn off promotional emails in Settings -> Dashboard -> Email Subscriptions or by adding a mail filter to push them all into an advertisement folder, and the other ads can be mitigated by hitting “don’t show this offer again” on each one
you don’t have one of those DM_ME_(thing) usernames
two year retrospective: my pinephone still doesn’t work lmao
at 17yo I thought my circumcision scar was a birthmark and I didn’t know you had to have sex at least once per pregnancy
parents, please tell your kids where babies come from and what all their parts are supposed to do, and don’t circumcise them either
PSA that, while having said profound things about loneliness and addiction as of late, Johann Hari has a long history of plagiarism and making stuff up, and once really strongly implied in a TED Talk that if you have good social support then it can just vanish your opiate withdrawal symptoms
@5:00 https://yewtu.be/watch?v=PY9DcIMGxMs generally just web search this guy
The image only contains consenting adults who look very happy to be with each other (the perspective on the muzzles could use a little work though), so no, not very problematic. It is problematic if you’re making an active effort to stop browsing porn and you still got far enough for your web browser to load that text.