honestly im coming around on white genocide the past few months. kill the anglo, save the man.
edit: doing my part, by being super gay and keeping nothing from my culture of origin.
honestly im coming around on white genocide the past few months. kill the anglo, save the man.
edit: doing my part, by being super gay and keeping nothing from my culture of origin.
yep. death to america, comrade. may the ashes of the empire birth something worth the fucking space.
yes, a terrorist group founded by bitter defeated enemies of america whose whole ethos is oppressing specific groups because they can’t cope with the fact they lost is the same as a group of people sick of watching their friends get murdered trying to make that not happen as much.
and seriously, you can do better, sauces tend to keep for a while, especially the quality youd get there, and YOU CAN MAKE BETTER OMG. a five dollar (fuck) bottle and two dollars of ingredients makes a years worth of most of these kinds of sauces in bulk.