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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 27th, 2023


  • What news from England and Germany? The k thing (pronouncing the H in Hamas with a harsh hissing sound common in both Hebrew and Arabic but completely absent in English and other western languages) has been around at least since Oct. 7, probably much longer before that. It’s a dog whistle. At best, it’s in the spirit of mocking their language.

  • meowMix2525@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlChoice
    4 days ago

    Do you not see that this dynamic just as much allows complete inaction on climate change as it allows the democratic candidates to arm Israel as they commit genocide? You’re using that word, “more”, as if you have any choice than continuing the status quo (complete environmental destruction) or worse in some miniscule way complete environmental destruction.

    Again. How do you expect your elected representative to care about passing real, thoughtful, progressive policy on climate change if the only thing they have to do to earn your vote is make sure their opponent doesn’t lose the shovel being used to dig your grave?

    Palestine is just the most present and distinct issue which should be an easy slam dunk to show that Democrats care at all about winning voters over or slowing down our recent regression; the undecided movement being a clearly defined group of voters that can be convinced to vote Democrat this election without a clear group of votes that would be lost as a consequence of meeting their asks.

    Even pretending the genocide is a non-issue, Trump should be the easiest man in history to beat in an election. Everybody hates the guy, everyone just wants rid of him, and issue-by-issue he manages to take the most unpopular, easily debunked stances that for some reason the Democrats keep conceding narratives to without putting up a fight. But he motivates his voters.

    Whether or not you agree with the undecideds, you should be rooting for them. The first rule of negotiation is to be willing to walk away, but the one before that is to bring something to the table worth negotiating for. By not engaging, Kamala is clearly demonstrating to us that; even with everything that group has brought to the table; there is not anything that, to her, is worth negotiating for. What can you bring then? That is not democracy. That’s a lose-lose situation and you can’t fault the voters for being disillusioned by it.

  • meowMix2525@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlChoice
    4 days ago

    If you (you being a member of voters at large) will go along with genocide so easily, completely turning a blind eye, what incentive is there for either party to present an alternative?

    How do you expect to walk your party over to your side if your vote for them is guaranteed, and you ask absolutely nothing of them, as long as the other party is worse, which is all but guaranteed for the foreseeable future?

    It’s already the worst case scenario. You either support genocide or you don’t. Your constant shouting “but it’ll get worse though!1!!” isn’t really pertinent to the conversation when we are already looking at complete annihilation of Gaza and the Palestinians that live there.

    What democracy is there to be saved if we are already at the point of “vote for us or else” with Trump and project 2025 being held like a gun to our heads? All of the progress being made towards that eventuality; losses in bodily autonomy and voting access being only a couple examples; not showing any signs of slowing down even under a democratic administration?

    A vote should be won, not coerced. Simple as. Not even asking for an alternative makes you complicit in the fact that there is none.

  • That’s not even half of the paw prints on her arm… I get what youre saying but mass die-offs are something I would expect only every 15-20 years. Unless they’re outdoor-only cats, maybe I’m just callous but I can’t imagine feeling so connected to 25+ outdoor-only cats that I commit each of them to my skin for the rest of my days.

  • Yeah, tolerance and dosing with shrooms is kinda tricky (as in there’s a trick to it, not that it’s really difficult) if you’re doing them with any regularity. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s similar to that where you have to take quite a bit more to not only break the threshold to trip again but achieve the same level of trip, and your tolerance lessens with each day that passes.

    I might be able to attest to that if I had been doing shrooms a little longer before I started strattera. Perhaps it’s harder to achieve higher level trips, now that I think about it. But this is new information to me so it’s something I’ll have to keep an eye on. I happened to take .3g last night and got a bit more bang for my buck than expected. I also forgot to take my strattera yesterday. Coincidence? Maybe, maybe not. Low level trips are still valuable though imo.

  • My buddy told me about how his dad found this energy supplement next to the dick pills at a gas station, said ‘what the hell, why not’ and it made him feel really weird and gross, which took him by total surprise, and he had to pull over to avoid causing an accident because he was driving.

    It was kratom. They sell kratom as an energy supplement at gas stations next to the dick pills. With no warning of the addiction or withdrawal symptoms associated with it being similar to that of opioids. He’d never even heard of the stuff before. (Apparently it’s been dubbed ‘gas station heroin’, so maybe I was one of that day’s lucky 1000. I only knew of it being sold at a lot of smoke shops, but at least you know what you’re buying there.)

    Now, I admit, I didn’t see the bottle myself. Maybe my buddy’s dad is a dumbass (actually, no maybe about it, he certainly is from the stories I’ve heard), maybe the people that buy those supplements from dick pill stand or drink strange elixirs without thinking much about it don’t deserve my sympathy, but in an ideal world that kind of warning would at the very least be really hard to miss before you take it and especially before you get behind the wheel of a car…

  • The only time I’ve heard of serotonin syndrome being a real (common) risk is with MAOIs and alcohol…

    Shrooms/SSRIs causing it is not something I’ve ever been able to find information about. Every time I try to dig something up, because I am pretty careful about mixing drugs, the vague consensus (that is, in sources that aren’t making blanket statements about recreational drugs in general being bad because drugs are bad) is it’s probably fine, maybe it lessens the trip altogether, maybe it lessens the negative side effects of the trip, we just need to look into it more. Serotonin syndrome is a conspicuous thing to not mention if that’s a risk with any significant merit to it.

    It’s certainly an emerging field due to psilocybin’s place on the drug schedule preventing any very extensive research. It seems to me like that claim is based mostly on conjecture that because they both can increase presence of serotonin, that has potential to become a risky situation with SSRIs. Mind you, however, that the exact mechanisms of this are not fully understood by science and so aren’t very good bases to draw sweeping conclusions from without research or data.

    I’m both an SNRI user (strattera) and occasional psychonaut (not more than once a month, if I had to give an average for the year). I’ve never had anything but positive experiences with mushrooms and haven’t noticed any difference on vs off my SNRI.

    Had a bad trip on acid once but that was more down to hubris than anything else. I wasn’t even on the SNRI back then.

    This is of course anecdotal so absolutely take in all the information and make your own decisions for your body. Just thought I’d share what I know.

    (Sorry for all the edits, my longer comments tend to be living documents for their first 10 minutes of life or so, mostly for grammar fixes)

  • As someone who rents so much of my mail is from past residents which I have told them do not live here, or local ads (literally several magazines per month) which I can’t opt out of cause it’s EDDM, that I straight up just stopped collecting it. Any small packages that would have gone in the box go on top of the cluster and any letters I received are stuffed into the box and I pick them out if I happen to notice I’m missing something.

    Anyone that really needs my attention would call me or email me shrug