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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 3rd, 2023

  • Not OP, but can only speak from my experience: Installing a second WM/DE usually messes up my install, as quite some stuff is just from one GUI framework, so I don’t have to have to much stuff installed.
    Also getting rid of it afterwards always wasn’t as easily possible.

    I completely get trying out a WM y firing up a VM. You could even just boot the live USB stick to check it out.
    But changing my working install just to try something (and then have to clean it up again) wasn’t working out for me in the past

  • Happens to everyone

    Just having a multitude of terminals open with a mix of test environment and (just for comparison) an open connection to the production servers…

    We were at a fair/exhibition once and on the first day people working on an actual customer project asked us, if they could compare with our code.
    Obviously they flashed the wrong PLC and we were stuck dead at the first hours of the exhibition.
    I still think that this place was cursed, as we also had to do multiple re-soldering of some connections of our robot and the sherry on top was the system flash dying - where I had fucked up, because I just finished everything late at night and didn’t made a complete backup of everything.
    But it seems, if luck runs out, you lose on all fronts.

    At least I was able to restore everything in 20mins. Which must be some kind of record.
    But I was shaking so much from the stress, that I couldn’t efficiently type anymore and was lucky to have a colleague to just calmly enter what I told him to and with that we’re able to get the show case up and running again.

    Well, at least the beer afterwards tasted like the liquid of the gods

  • As long as the laptop boots, you should be able to switch to a TTY console, where you have a complete shell interface to your system after logging in (in said TTY console). So, being greeted with a login screen or something is a win here - but you’re very vague in your report.

    The GUI is only just a program and has nothing to do with your boot options in BIOS or bootloader (like grub).

    Using CTRL-ALT-[F1-9/0] you can switch between your virtual consoles and on only one of them your GUI is running.
    You can use any other one to change anything on the system from CLI.
    You should also be able to stop the current GUI/X11 Session and directly start the window manager you wish - temporarily to fix your system, if you’re not confident in the CLI.

  • The most positive thing about the internet is the possibility of open discussion. Taking away anonymity e.g. destroys many online self-help groups, that don’t want to be associated with their issue. And also the china-like surveillance issue is coming with it. I want a transparent state, not a transparent citizen.