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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • If you drive down Baja California, with Ensenada behind you as you keep going due south, you will start encountering a few stands and roadside restaurants here and there that always seem to have crab burritos on the menu. Some of these are thick with meat, also all the usual finely-chopped vegetables found in shredded beef machaca common in northern Mexico cuisine.

    When crabmeat burritos are on the menu, I know I’m south of Ensenada, near the boundary with that mythical, mystical, wild desert Baja. That sensation and flavor combo go hand-in-hand in me.

    EDIT: these places also usually make some killer huevos rancheros, too, some places accompany them with side helping of chorizo made with abalone or sea-snail.

  • I think it’s down to preference, as even the warm water Pacific lobster is the premium menu item on hotel and seafood restaurants in tourists towns in Mexico, and even in the United States west coast.

    I’ve had the Pacific lobster many times, but only one time did I have the northern Atlantic one, and it is more meaty, but flavor-wise I did not detect a dramatic difference.

    Granted, in the wrong hands, or if it’s frozen, lobster doesn’t taste like much of anything. I’ve made that mistake before, of ordering something like that in a random restaurant or a tourist trap.

    But you know what I really prefer? A heap of Dungeness crab, cooked in butter, wine and garlic. Then add lemon. Yikes.

  • niktemadur@lemmy.worldtoPeople Twitter@sh.itjust.worksAlso caviar
    11 days ago

    The most oysters I’ve ever had was three dozen, in the Baja coastal town of San Quintin. You told the man wearing rubber pants to the waist how many you wanted, he’d wade into the water with a machete in hand, hacked at what essentially was a rock of bunched-up oysters, then waded back to the shore.

    He’d plop that heap of oysters on a wooden table, give you a shucking knife, a bunch of lemons, Salsa Búfalo (not for buffalo wings, it was a brand of smoky hot sauce) and salt crackers.

    If they had a blue ribbon that said “I ate like a pig in San Quintin”, I am not ashamed to say I would have earned it.

  • A steep so slope, it keep you woke!
    Seriously, don’t drive down this thing in your semi-truck tired, don’t even think about going down that waterpark slide unless you’re well rested when you get there.

    Imagine this spot being your best alternative as a civil engineer, that’s one helluva mountain range. What’s this, like a pass between the Karakoram or something? Somewhere in the Andes?

  • It’s almost like a medieval peasant mentality, still regarding the presidency as some sort of faux-monarchy, with a certain aura, missing the point that an executive branch is not just a president who can work the cameras and microphones, that is just the tip of the iceberg, as there are a myriad employees chosen by the president and his top appointees.

    There’s an old chinese curse - “May your children live in interesting times”, and there is a saying that the best leaders are practically invisible, as the whole group works towards a common goal.
    We seem to always be living through interesting times, gravitating towards interesting characters, when what we really should want are boring government nerds who operate on reason and science, with no need nor inclination to make a loud splash.

  • The same goes for a lot of YouTube channels.
    In fact, I opened a Patreon account just to show a little monthly support for an excellent, criminally underrated creator of videos on astronomy and its’ history, ParallaxNick.

    Among other topics, the guy recently finished a four-part series on Galileo, a two-parter on Kepler before that, a single on Copernicus before that. By my calculations, I’m guessing a six-part masterpiece on Newton is right around the corner.

  • One from each, excluding Lazenby (who happened to make my favorite) and non-canon (Never Say Never Again):

    Connery - Diamonds Are Forever
    Moore - A View To A Kill
    Dalton - License To Kill
    Dalton - Die Another Day
    Craig - (I’m about to commit sacrilege here!) Skyfall

    Overall top worst:
    Diamonds Are Forever - the tone change between On Her Majesty’s Secret Service and this is jarring to the extreme, the fake-hip dialogue stinks to high heaven (“forget it, Charlie! You had your chance and you blew it!”), the mafia types were obsolete, quaint and flat cinematic caricatures, a deficiency amplified exponentially when The Godfather came out just a few months later.
    Bonus negative points for an unfit and disinterested Connery, seemingly in constant self-amused form at how little effort he can get away with onscreen for a then record million-and-change dollar salary.

    BUT…! There is another one, so much worse, but mercifully non-canon: 1967’s spoof Casino Royale, with David Niven, Peter Sellers and Woody Allen. Oh my GOD is that thing unwatchably awful!

  • The point is to give someone vulnerable a full life, with safety and warmth.
    From your perspective, time went by too fast; from their perspective, it was a long and peaceful lifetime, they were incredibly fortunate to have someone like you.

    Also, there is an implicit assumption we carry around that to be immortal is some sort of blessing or state to aspire to, while it may very well be that being mortal is itself the blessing.

    In my opinion, the highest tribute one can pay to a departed friend and companion is to again open one’s home to another vulnerable creature and make him/her family.

    Do it in your departed friend’s memory and honor. If you could communicate again with them, you would let them know this is part of their proud and gentle legacy, to reduce suffering on the world - “Look what you did, by being who and what you were for me in life, you opened the door for someone else when their turn came.”

    This is what I have done, and do not regret a minute of it.