• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023

  • Yeah, I’m generally ok if somebody is charging a reasonable rent which covers their reasonable mortgage, so long as they’re still taking care of all the other stuff (repairs, city taxes, etc).

    What burns me is people who either a) knowingly buy in a hot, excessively priced market with full intent to charge excessive rents while providing absolutely minimal service or support

    b) bought 10+ years ago but have pumped up rents to the same as those who bought at mortgages 2-3x the rate, citing “market rates” and often doing sketchy things to raise rents including renovictions etc, while being shitty - often absentee - slumlords

    Maybe I’m showing my age, but there did used to be quite a good number of mom & pop type landlords who weren’t shit, and while the commercial ones cost a bit more there was a decent mix.

    Now, the commercial ones are actually mostly a safer bet in small cities. They’ll raise rent every year but consistently, and the decent ones are pretty prompt about repairs and not fucking people over deposits etc. There are bad ones but it’s pretty easy to tell which are which. The problem is of course that availability at the good ones is lower and they do cost more.

    Good private landlords are increasingly hard to come by, as the best ones generally end up quitting after either getting too old or after a bad tenant experience, while the slumlords have leveraged their existing properties to finance buying more and more, leading to a market full of increasingly overpriced mould-monsters.

  • My doctor is a pretty cool guy and some of the banter during my visits has been fun. If there weren’t potential legal implications (for him) I’d totally be down with grabbing a drink after hours and shooting the shit.

    Maybe I could invite the dentist that did my root canal too, he was going into the same industry as me before switching to dentistry and was also pretty savvy.

  • Yeah, people have said that they thought I’d love the idea of a brain implanted computer so I could do cool hacker shit or VR.

    Like, noooooo that’d be like the Matrix run by the upper management suites of Boeing and Microsoft.

    “Yeah we’re sorry hackers broke in and stole all your childhood memories but we couldn’t apply any security updates because the QA team had to be fired after the last one left them all barking like dogs and pissing on trees, . Don’t worry, we’ll fix it in BrainOS 9.8. You’ll need to pay for that updated but we’re now offering a choice between our premium $1500/mo subscription model or new ads-in-your-dreams model for $600/mo”

  • Update: Based on some other sources, it sounds like giving another shot at freeIPA might be worth investigating. It’s still got Samba etc and the last time I tried it things weren’t more RedHat exactly friendly to my favored flavor (Debian) but it sounds like it might be better supported now

    Update #2

    OMFG it’s years after I tried and FreeIPA on Debian is even more of a pain. Docker container issues galore, and it basically won’t start without adding a bunch of options that reduce the container security to a smoldering ruin

  • I do actually have a NextCloud instance, which I primarily use for editing Documents (via Collabora) or syncing backups of folders like Pictures etc from the phone.

    SMB/Samba by itself for just sharing folders I’ve had little issue with. Samba as a domain controller with domain-joined clients tied to domain logins is a more complicated beast and - in my experience -prone to breakage in my experience (expired tokens, certificate lifetimes, DNS integration, upgrade issues, etc) BUT it can provide a fairly complete package end-to-end when it works. I just feel that there should be a more Linux-centric/friendly and less bloaty solution that still others decent account-level security.

    When you ask “only on LAN” the answer is yes with the caveat that I do also work through VPN, but that’s often functionally the same thing save that the VPN login occurs after the user-login

  • The upside over Snaps is that they’re not so controlled by a central source

    I’d say they still share a couple downsides: a) use a lot of them and stuff is gonna get bloaty vs native packages

    b) updating a library etc for security on your system can still leave you with vulnerable apps where the packages aren’t updated