Mark (Nikki) //
Alan (Kirlyam) but I do love they’re still together //
Jason (Cassia) aka the human Grumpy Cat
// Luis (Molly) not traditional “creepy” but a straight up fucking sociopath when it came to her kids
// Brandon (Julia) don’t ask why, just feel it
And who could forget the borderline personality, gaslighting Norman Bates aka COOLLTEEEE
Mark (Nikki) // Alan (Kirlyam) but I do love they’re still together // Jason (Cassia) aka the human Grumpy Cat // Luis (Molly) not traditional “creepy” but a straight up fucking sociopath when it came to her kids // Brandon (Julia) don’t ask why, just feel it
And who could forget the borderline personality, gaslighting Norman Bates aka COOLLTEEEE