Your boss became your girlfriend, now wife?
Your boss became your girlfriend, now wife?
Some religion believes that a soul can reincarnate into non-human anmals such as pigs. Or even inaminate objects. If a soul gets whipped in hell it can vanish.
So at least we now solved the underpopulation problem.
And do you know that some non-human animals can upgrade to humans or even gods if they consume holy food/drinks, or ‘charged’ by holy relics such as sacred stones?🤭 Yeah, that creates new souls!
When knowing a rejection is destined, I would rather disappear and see the crush be with someone else. A hope which has been shot down is a scar for life, whereas an attempt never made painfully warms my heart forever.
Waifu games. That I like.
I might be selfish for saying so, but if anyone set up their mind to run anything on a 32-bit system after 2038, they must care enough to compile themselves, right? Any binaries compiled today will be EOL by then.
Never have I had more than one sex partner.
Never have I had sex with more than one person, simultaneously.
Perhaps learn to use a mouse or draw with the other hand. It’s rewarding.
Good for you! A few months after I started running seriously, I couldn’t stop asking myself that why I didn’t start running 30 years ago.
Well said. If we ever have the medical advancement of bringing back three-day corpses, we can brainwash the criminals to be good people instead.
I’ll give you one reason for using Gentoo: option of no systemd.
Gentoo is one of the few distros which still offer a systemdless setup given its nature of high configurability. You can tell the system-wide config file to exclude systemd support in every package it attemps to compile.
I hope you or anyone who just enjoys their linux machine running fine and happily, now be able to see what freedom can mean in the open source universe. Cheers.
Ah, classical mistakes when they write instead of typing. At least when they type they can suggestions from the IME, hinting they might be making a mistake.
Those ‘similar’ words you mentioned all have different tone or vowel in Cantonese. Not at all close to each other. I bet they sound slightly different too in Banlamgu, if you happen to speak that.
You want a dic pic now? You know, try to make it up to you?🤔