All I can say is I am SO glad we won last night. Losing that and then watching this would suck
All I can say is I am SO glad we won last night. Losing that and then watching this would suck
Oh shit I just thought of how to win this game! KEEP SHOOTING THREES!
This dude is a clown to the core. I knew as soon as I saw this was a flop that he was using it as an excuse to go extra clown and I was not disappointed. Raging at the officials for not believing his flop. Tantrum foul on Monk. Technical foul. Why on God’s green earth the GSW still support this loser who does more harm than good is beyond me.
grabbing at his face like he got hit. This dude is fucking mental.
This is going to be so embarrassing if we can’t fucking lose by 11. You don’t even need to win for shits sake
So we win we’re in.
If we lose, what are the scenarios we need?
Lmao at that fan’s super serious face mutombo finger wag
Year after year this team never changes. They literally never just hold on to a 20 PT lead
Oh for sure. But I’m not buying into this advertising bullshit. It’s pervasive enough with most of the court being covered in it now. Keep it off the jerseys or pretty soon it’s going to look like those trash euroleague jerseys
Sorry, I love the Kings and have a ton of jerseys but no way in hell I’m paying $200 for a jersey with a shitty DIALPAD advertisement patch on it. Especially when they can’t even integrate it better so it doesn’t look like something you ironed on at home.
So there is a discussion thread but I can’t find any post about what he did…?
Five point game Make sure to dribble it out. Jesus Christ feast or famine with this team
Fucking idiots
Goddamn turnovers and free throws man
This turned into a hell of a game
So glad to see lyles back
Fox starting to eat
Duarte is getting straight up cooked
Kobe would never.