Husband, Father, Gamer, Nerd

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  •*Permanently Deleted*
    9 months ago

    60yo here.

    I spent the first 40 years of my life in Portland, OR (it used to be a great city). Then I married a Soldier and I’ve lived in several other places. We started in Denver spent two years there. It’s a fantastic city, but really expensive. Then we spent 3.5 years on Long Island, living in East Meadow, I hated how crowded it was, what the traffic was like. My wife has an 18 mile commute that often took 90 minutes. Then we moved to Fort Knox, Kentucky. We bought a house off post. The cost of living is much lower than other places we’ve lived. Our town is 2600 people. The people are polite and kind and our plan is after our next PCS next summer, to return here when my wife retires at 30 years.

  • This is my answer also. I wish I was multi-lingual.

    I’m regularly on calls with people for whom English is not their primary language. Almost without fail they apologize for their poor English. I regularly tell those people, “please don’t apologize, you do me that courtesy of communicating with me in my native tongue. I am completely unable to reciprocate that courtesy.”

    I’d love to be fluent in Spanish, French, German.