You would think for as many as they bought, they would make it more seamless. You’re lucky you got a Tesla, I’ve heard of people having to reschedule flights trying to find CCS chargers.
You would think for as many as they bought, they would make it more seamless. You’re lucky you got a Tesla, I’ve heard of people having to reschedule flights trying to find CCS chargers.
You wouldn’t know that from browsing Herz’s used listings.
Did you reserve a Tesla or a “manager’s special”?
They were really counting on higher priced EVs to drive revenue growth across the board but the consumer had other plans. GM’s average selling price is now over $50k (didn’t read Ford’s) so EVs fit into the revenue growth trajectory that Wall Street enjoys. The slowdown in growth of ev truck demand has probably spooked them.
They are still “committed” but now without timelines. Interestingly, they did not cite a lack of vehicle availability.
Did you pay a Hertz premium price or market price?
Everyone is waiting for the ‘24s with an updated (read: less buggy) infotainment system.