I agree, although dating a native would definitely help. Why not combine the two (dating + integrating)?
I agree, although dating a native would definitely help. Why not combine the two (dating + integrating)?
Haha, it sometimes feels like the women get a sudden rush of diarrhea and have to immediately go to the toilet, never to be seen afterwards, once they hear that you are from Eastern Europe XD.
I used to be quite bummed about it, but now I consider it quite funny when it happens.
Yep, I agree. I will definitely put some more effort in that direction.
Although to be honest, I would like to have a long-term relationship (even if it does not result in marriage or something more serious) with a British woman to integrate more into British culture and society and not stay siloed away in the infamous expat bubble.
I’ve actually got both a British (naturalised this year) and a Romanian passport
I didn’t say that Western Europe was bad. In fact, I mentioned all the positives, which make me hesitant to go back to my home country.
Obviously, no country can be perfect, so I mentioned one area in which my friends and I are struggling, namely dating.
Is there a problem with my approach?
I am not picky in terms of culture, it’s just that British women are obviously the majority in the UK
Exactly. It has happened in the past that I received interest and positive signs from British women initially, but then, when the conversation progressed and she eventually asked me where I am from (because I have a bit of an accent and my name is foreign), and I answered ‘Romania’, those positive signs quickly disappeared. Of course, nobody said anything because the British are generally really polite, but you can tell…
All right, makes sense, thanks!