He/Him Jack of all trades, master of none

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 10th, 2023


  • You’re right, it’s only roughly one in every 20 rolls. It’s only almost precisely one in every 20 rolls. It’s only a 5% chance, which some would say is literally synonymous with “one in every 20 rolls,” which isn’t strictly true, because it’s possible to have more or less than one natural 20 in any run of 20 rolls, because it’s only one in every 20 rolls on average.

    I’ve been arguing about the portal paradox all day and these comments have gotten on my nerves more than anyone trying to explain to me that the cube isn’t moving

  • I play with these noobs, and explaining that a nat 20 is not an automatic success on whatever the player wants comes up every other session. It’s a problem because it both makes the game more annoying for me to play, and less enjoyable for the person who thought their plan was going to succeed. I’m not concern trolling, I’m offering personal experience to the discussion

  • You’re assuming there are enough >2nd level casters around to cast Lesser Restoration (or whatever the equivalent is in your campaign). As far as I’m concerned, magic should be extraordinarily rare. Does every preacher get cleric powers? Does everyone with draconic ancestry get sorcerer powers? Can anyone with an instrument kill a commoner with an insult?

    In my campaigns, very few NPCs are even 1st level in a class. Maybe one in every 20 villages has a 1st level cleric in their church. It takes a 130 IQ to even start learning to be a wizard. Basically everyone can trace some line back to a dragon in their family tree, but maybe 0.001% ever get strong enough powers to even cast a Light cantrip