If they won he would have been MVP too
If they won he would have been MVP too
Poby my goat and Rekkles on the same team?
The pressure to slowly twist the meta so Lux is viable but not too OP by Worlds so Keria can get his Lux skin.
Correction: T1 made LPL choke by changing their perception of the meta.
Had JDG and the rest stuck to their normal picks, they might have stood a better chance rather than try to play T1’s meta game better than them.
Faker carry back? :O
kkOma is based for that if true
Yeah expectation is to win at least 1 title. Hope is of course it’s a Worlds title, and prayers are for the Golden Road.
This lineup was one of the only lineups not picked by Daeny during that 10-man roster debacle. If they were to go back-to-back Worlds + Golden Road, that would be so damn satisfying.
Also a 5 star golden uniform for 2025 would be fire
And then adding a retired post-hero level character on board for post game in kkOma
Worlds also set you for life in money with the skins royalties and in legacy by being immortalized on trophies, history, and in game skins.
Also Gen. G got rid of Doran and Peanut, the anti-T1 agents. T1 might actually win an LCK finals for once.
Honestly, I can already see people trashing Oner next year again. With the 2024 season changes, junglers have a lot to learn. We might see him flourish from the changes or get shit on again… Really hoping for the former.
They said they’d decide the meta and they did.
Keria is goat carry support. He makes the position look so sexy.
Repost from lower in comment thread but wanted to add:
Knight also had Ori’s ball on him but then switched it to Oner. The two of them could have threatened flash/shockwave onto Faker who burnt his flash earlier. Faker wouldn’t have aggro’d Kanavi as hard if there was such a threat. It was miscommunication between Knight and Kanavi, and Faker capitalized on it HARD.
I wonder if Faker would have more fun if there were more international events. MSI and Worlds are just way more fun than the regional league playoffs as a viewer.
Still feel T1 isn’t finished showing off their “meta.”
I wonder if Faker getting denied Ahri the reason why no one else has gotten an Ahri worlds skin.
To note, only Faker has won on Azir vs Ori. He gave everyone else false hope that it could work for them.
I’m very interested in what Oner had to say about his near immaculate performance starting from BLG