
kde, linux, busses, open source and the good old Grateful Dead.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 16th, 2023


  • Thank goodness. I hate most current UI.

    It’s funny that one thing I really liked about it was the floating windows and toolbar. Then everyone complained and they brought it all together. But now people I work with using software that we pay nearly a million dollars to license are getting all excited becuase they introduced… floating windows.

  • netflix money grab

    I agree with you. That is what businesses do. So I dump em. Years ago, maybe 2014 I received a Hulu subscription in payment for something I was selling. I started using it, and there were ads! To this day I will not pay for, or even watch for free, Hulu. It is principle with me.

    But apparently I am alone on this. I got downvoted massively for saying it looks like people WILL still pay for ads, even if they can barely afford it. That I cannot understand. I wont do it if I can afford it, and I certainly wouldnt do it I could barely afford it. So the businesses win and keep scraping for more revenue.

    With hundreds of free (and legal) options with commercials, why the hell would anyone pay for video streaming if they are giving you ads anyways?

  • Did I say that? I said windows has caused me more issues lately. I was replying that Linux desktop is fine. It works. Has worked for a very long time.

    But since you brought it up… No. I do not think Windows is an easier desktop to use. Depends on familiarity and what you want to do with it. They can’t get single click right. They can’t get multiple desktops right. They certainly do not have activities. If you are using a Gnome workflow, windows seems almost insane in comparison. Don’t get me started on the ads and what this whole discussion started about with Edge trying to push itself into your way. And how about that registry system? So intuitive and useful right?

  • I have tried to switch my daily driver to linux for more than 15 years now, Linux desktop just isn’t ready.

    Something isn’t adding up here. I switched to mostly Linux around 2003. By 2005 it was all Linux unless I got paid for it. My wife has been only Linux since then and she doesn’t really know how to use a computer and doesn’t want to. Linux just works for her.

    I do all my work from a Linux desktop and two Linux laptops. Well and a Steamdeck I use as a desktop when traveling. I remote into windows machines when I am using windows for jobs. Sometimes desktops, sometimes Azure virtual desktops, but my local client is always Linux.

    I have an MSDN, I admin Azure instances, SQL servers, Windows Servers, and work on Windows desktops. Over the last two to three years it has been the windows machines that are the most annoying and troublesome. Linux is just easy and just works.

    The Linux desktop is ready. Has been ready. Something is going on with your situation. Could be breaking old habits, could be hardware. I don’t know. But saying Linux is to blame here is ridiculous.