Lucas Moura has to be up there.
Lucas Moura has to be up there.
Ronaldo has it all when it comes to being an idol and a global phenomenon.
Messi has the skills no doubt, but he doesn’t have the full package. Don’t get me wrong he is one of the most talented athletes ever.
But Ronaldo has everything. He has the looks, the way he carries himself, on top of the goal scoring.
I feel like Ronaldo is more known as a goal scorer, which alone will make young kids more prone to want to be you as the goal scorer gets all the glory in the moment.
The looks play a big role in it too though. Beckham had the looks and it got him far. It makes you so much more marketable and opens the door for modeling, as well as female fans who don’t really care about soccer.
Also the way he carries himself and how he acts. Messi comes off as shy and reserved. Ronaldo is very outgoing and confident, that will also make people want to look up to you as they want to be like you.
Well most footballers watch a lot of football in their spare time.
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