What’s wrong with clean money, eh?
What’s wrong with clean money, eh?
There’s a distinct lack of specifics in the article, and I wonder if that’s because Netflix know something the rest of the game industry doesn’t and aren’t letting on, or if they don’t.
Durians are delicious. I’ve read somewhere it depends on whether you can detect the compounds that smell bad.
If you had somtam it was Thai.
Yes, an IoT device would certainly be a huge headache if it was on a proprietary protocol, I’d avoid that if at all possible. Thankfully, they haven’t made something absolutely indispensable yet.
I would like to find a game free of political message,
They asked for a game free of political messages, and got several. Are you sure that’s not what they meant? Does Tic Tac Toe have political messages? What about 2048?
May I interpret this as a personal attack anyway, please? I’d like something to get angry about for no reason.
Where I live, cashless payments via NFC. But I have the option of using a plastic card too.
It’s really just banking, I can still use the browser for most other things.
You can enable the foot-shooting complexity by writing modules for Python in C++, since it’s very easy to do. Why do I know this? Well…
It’s excellent in single player too.
They have so much wealth it’s hard to visualise how much they have.
It’s the players’ fault for not buying our game.
Humans are weird.
It doesn’t do anything for me. It’s good for simple code that I could’ve written myself in the time it takes me to make sure that what it generates is what I needed.
Real programmers test in production.
Anon could’ve bought an electronic air duster and had a clean PC for years! But good on you, anon. Cleaning out your PC is important.
someone to call my own
Odd choice of words, is this a common way to refer to a significant other?
This is untrue. Overcharge protection is for preventing catastrophic events like the cell catching fire. You can easily verify this by measuring the voltage at full charge.