Damn, so you’re telling me that not playing a slow 38 year old with zero offensive capability who also doesn’t space the floor results in more points and better offensive flow???
Damn, so you’re telling me that not playing a slow 38 year old with zero offensive capability who also doesn’t space the floor results in more points and better offensive flow???
Lol playing Tucker (let alone playing tucker at all), Zu, and Russ is asking for instant negative offense. Seriously, is Ty Lue braindead. Also keeping harden out until 7 minutes and a 12 pt lead lmao
Pj tucker shouldn’t even be sniffing the court, but Ty Lue plays that old man like he’s Lebron
Why does Ty put out a lineup where there’s only 1 person who can reliably score.
This lineup is hot garbage.
Damn, I came from the Clippers sub to see what you guys thought of Pop right there. Never seen that before
Spurs are ass, but man I’m breathing a sigh of relief. Limiting PJ Tuckers minutes and staggering Harden and Russ between lineups has been optimal!
There is not a single competent coach that would be struggling this much with a roster that contains PG, Kawhi, Harden and Russ. There is not a single competent coach that would give PJ Tucker 16 minutes a game. It’s honestly insane that Ty Lue hasn’t been criticized publicly for his coaching.
Let’s be fucking real, we’re playing 4 v 5 with PJ tucker playing 16 fucking minutes on 0-0-0 3 fouls and team low -24. fuck ty lue
Harden is going to be the scapegoat for the shitty record we are going to have, but it’s really on Ty Lue.
Fire Ty Lue. No competent coach loses games like this when they have PG, Kawhi, and Harden on their roster. These losses are purely on rotation and subs
Our analytics guys have to be having aneurysms every single time Lue plays tucker. He’s 38, fat, old, slow, no longer has a shot, and barely saw playing time on his previous team. Oh look, he’s our Mook replacement smfh
Why does 38 year old tucker see the court when we got theis? lmao Lue is such a clown. He loves his washed, old big forwards
Ty Lue said, I love old, washed overrated forwards
PJ with a team low -10 and zero stats
Give me one good reason why PJ tucker should be even sniffing the floor during game time.
I mean I know it takes a few games for the team to get adjusted but… Ty lue exposed
is PJ officially out or is someone holding a gun to Ty Lue’s head and not allowing him to play old, washed power forwards?