Every time Bilal dunks now I feel like he limps a bit after. I think he could use another rest game.
Every time Bilal dunks now I feel like he limps a bit after. I think he could use another rest game.
Johnny Davis is not a point guard. Bilal will start after we gain veteran trade value, and if we hypothetically do all of the things said in this post, I assure you we would still have just as bad of a record.
Whatcha mean looking wiped?
Hope you’re OK Bilal
Jordan Poole is looking real bad
Jordan Poole is such a fucking moron
Bilal limping a tad
Chris’s mic sounds a bit lo-fi tonight. Anyone else getting that?
Bilal the new hero
Quicker than buck buck
Feels good to be a wiz fan tonight
I smell klutch kuz prepping his sneakers
We keep our picks. If we fall low in the lottery, we have a plethora of 2nd round picks to trade up.
I’m not sure if I would trade picks for current players unless it’s real cheap.
Hoping they removed that ugly red
Deni has improved this year… a lot…