With some exception of B58 (& others) engined cars, you’re playing roulette at that mileage. Why’s it still in your fleet? A coworker of mine just bought a 340i with over 110k miles, said the greatest driving machine is at its greatest at the fraction of MSRP

  • meltboxB
    11 months ago

    It’s not poor engineering. Basically any luxury car ends up being unreliable in order to be a luxury car.

    You want better suspension on a heavy car? You need air suspension that can leak.

    Want active anti roll? You need actuators that can break.

    You want road isolation? Fluid filled bushings that can leak.

    Something for something. Most luxury car owners lease and move on so these solutions are perfect for them. They’re a trade off for those of us who keep these cars though.

    But if you do the work yourself it’s honestly not that expensive and it’s not like regular cars don’t have similar parts wear out.

    It’s just the consequences on regular cars are ‘more nvh’ which is less noticeable in a car that was never really refined to begin with.