I just got hard support and i tried my best but we lost anyway. Not saying i played good or anything, i just said i tried to play supp. After the game i was put into low prio, and this is not the first time this happened.

If i take a look at others playing pos 5, in my team and against me, they all play cores. Is this why am i getting reports cause i do not play core pos 5? Nothing else comes to my mind.

  • RussKy_GoKuB
    1 年前

    what I consider pos 5 griefing is the following:

    in a lane where the carry is melee and pos 5 is ranged, meaning carry will tank most of the time. Pos 5 pings enemy pos 3 meaning we go on them. When we play aggressive and manage to get first blood, but the pos 5 gets it instead of me (carry). Now we kill enemy pos 3, but I am left with 20% hp and can’t lane anymore because the enemy pos 3 is respawning with full hp.

    Then I see 1 minute later, that my pos 5 got boots and wand, without a single regen item for me because I helped him get the FB in the first place. I consider this as ultimate grief level.

    Unless you are a treant, I don’t see why you want boots first item as pos 5 and end up with a low hp carry on lane.