I played dota 1 alot before playing dota 2. Dota 1 is on patch 6.83d currently and I played that patch way too much. I tell you that you are wrong. PA have always countered spectre.
We used to build items on PA that i never liked. It goes like this: Phase boots -> Mask of madness -> SnY -> Skadi or basher.
Yeah this is crazy true, i lost so many games as PL to LS. Also LS is good vs naga.
Both PL and Naga tend to build heart into skadi which what LS loves. Its tough for a naga to skip heart.
Honestly the best advice is to avoid ranking up. Just rank down, because it doesn’t matter and you will rank up again eventually. This puts away the stress of having to win a game. Whenever you go into a game and your whole mentality is “I NEED TO WIN THIS”, then think again.
A lot of people here are clueless about how dependent certain heroes are on their ultimate. My answer is Enigma.
You are one of those who think BB is braindead hero and only spam W, right?
gyro farms ancients with ult
i started playing dota again 3 days ago. Played 6 games till now. I removed keys assigned to every communication option. Chatwheels, voicelines, voice chat, and even the team chat and All chat. I basically have no way to use these in a game.
I also don’t use any ping all game, i used it like 3 times till now only. No ping at all, no pinging my items or team or enemy items. No pinging ground, no nothing. Just no pings at all.
We have been complaining for the past month of the BS score being broken and every time we make a post here on reddit, valve guardians will downvote and trash talk us until the post is gone.
What you are experiencing is normal, everyone is scared to lose Behavior score. Once you lose behavior score, it is hell to get it back. I won’t risk losing behavior score to communicate something to my team even if it was important. To be fair, people rarely communicate well or respond to comms. So, it won’t matter really, it will only make the game feel more like singleplayer.
Many people won’t like this, but it is the reality. Accept it!
“Jeff is an ass” - Gaben
Every 6 minutes, a special melee creep will spawn. This creep have a AOE debuff of backdoor protection meaning that even if he dies. If there are buildings in the area he died in, they will lose backdoor protection for a certain period of time. Even if there are no creeps in the area.
people crying are mostly low mmr players. The changes they did are very nice to be fair.
For example, bristleback they punished the collapse build of not maxing E so you do more damage, now you do less damage.
Spirit Breaker nerfed farming speed which was what made him broken, SB is not good if he have same farm as enemy offlaner. Now his timings will be delayed.
CK was strong because of his insane laning ability, you can’t harras him because he will hit next wave and get full hp again. Now we will see CK being crushed in lane and the hero won’t be op.
Dark Willow carry build is gone because now you have few seconds of invulnerability which makes her very killable.
Kunkka nerfs are enough to make him picked but not op as before. You can now fight in his torrent. His team is less tanky now because the rum is nerfed.
Muerta support is weaker and now pro players may not pick her because you can’t flex her to carry.
Treant which is a hero i played alot in this patch, i think the nerfs hurt him alot. What made the hero strong is his first 2 levels in lane which he dominated. It is a hero that wants slows and early boots to get kills in lane. That movespeed nerf means you can do less autoattacks now than before, and treant autoattacks are 100 damage. Movespeed nerf on treant is damage nerf too.
midas is nerfed buy it is not destroyed completely. Now you may not see it on supports because item like pavise is buffed so you have to make a decision.
IDK why the some people are crying, these are good nerfs and they will allow new picks in the next major.
there is no glimmer cape in 6.83c. I played alot of 6.83d and there is no glimmer cape. Also WW was bad in that patch because sniper jug were so op. Bara was op too in that patch.
what I consider pos 5 griefing is the following:
in a lane where the carry is melee and pos 5 is ranged, meaning carry will tank most of the time. Pos 5 pings enemy pos 3 meaning we go on them. When we play aggressive and manage to get first blood, but the pos 5 gets it instead of me (carry). Now we kill enemy pos 3, but I am left with 20% hp and can’t lane anymore because the enemy pos 3 is respawning with full hp.
Then I see 1 minute later, that my pos 5 got boots and wand, without a single regen item for me because I helped him get the FB in the first place. I consider this as ultimate grief level.
Unless you are a treant, I don’t see why you want boots first item as pos 5 and end up with a low hp carry on lane.
it is a good idea until it starts to be spammed in toxic manners. Some players would ping we want a tank, and would tilt immediately if the player doesn’t pick the type of heroes they wanted.
I think its a good addition, but pings should be restricted to what you wanna do and not what you want others to do. When you start focusing on other people games, you will start losing more games.
I wish they just balance all heroes so they are all picked by pros, and after that they start fixing real issues with the game.
Tide is a bad new player hero. New players dont group up, tide have no damage to solo kill. You need solo kill heroes in such scenarios.
4 is the role where no one blames you for anything and you can blame lose on others.
First in lane, you can afk in trees or chill out while your offlane gets 2v1. When your offlane starts dying, you can call him a noob and your team will blame him for lane loss because he is the core.
Second, you can avoid buying any wards or smokes. When your pos 5 starts telling you to buy wards, you can call him for his high deaths because he died warding many times. Again you escape the blame.
Third, you can pick heroes that don’t help your team and have no save. That way your teammates have no way to blame you because you are not an oracle or dazzle. You are just a 4.
You can stack once for your carry, and fill bottle once for your mid. And boom, you gain favor of your team, you have two cores on your side while pos 5 and 3 hate you.
Just play a different game, I already got new games and will quit dota temporarily until they fix the issue. It is not worth the time and sufferings. Games are supposed to be fun, this game feels like an unpaid job now.
Same for me, i dropped from 10.5k to 6.7k now climbing back. The problem is once you hit a certain behavior score, it will freefall from there because people will keep reporting you no matter what. So it is 10k or not 10k.
People above 10k wont notice a difference because players at those scores usually commend each other after games they win. However below 9k for example, you will get reports for loss and no commends for wins. That is a problem because you cant climb back normally. Only way to climb is to either have high win streaks like 12-3 for a conduct, or to stop communicating and play to get better behavior score and not to win.
sniper pudge techies are the most popular heroes. I guess its sniper next because the other 2 already have ones.