So i played 3 games today all 3 sion top

The first game i was very much ahead of the enemy top i got 6 turrets on my own but the other 4 premades decided to ff a winable game

The second game my syndra mid started flaming all of us in champ select continues to flame all game so my 3 other guys lost hope and ffed with me saying no again a very winable game

3th game im against a yone top 30 cs infront got 2 1000 gold shutdowns stole a drake and was almost in there base and again 4 premades decided to ff….

I mean what am i supposed to do here these 3 games were very winable if we all just scale and kept pushing and do obj like this isnt even fun… it feels like 90% of the games people ff this isnt a healthy state


  • BaniishedB
    10 months ago

    Yeah you were probably a 0-12 inting sion while the toplaner you fed was wrecking havoc on your team. I would need to see the before making any decision.