• 1 Post
Joined 10 个月前
Cake day: 2023年11月10日


  • There is no level. You get chests by performing well in games. If you or a friend your playing with gets an “S” or above rating for the game, you get a chest. The catch is you can only get 1 chest a season with each Champion.

    For example, you have a really good game with Garen. You get an S and therefore a Chest for performing, you may not get another Chest with Garen until next season. However you can still get countless others play playing other champs.

    As for buying, you cant buy them with blue essence, however you can always actually pay real money for them in the store whenever you want.

  • I absolutely believe ranked is a game of mental babysitting. Most of it are self fulfilling prophecies, they think they will lose for whatever reason so they ensure that it happens.

    However, I also believe that its a 2-way street. Hot take, but some tilters deserve to be tilted.
    For example, say you just killed your enemy laner, set up a slow push towards you, then recall. You buy and hurry to lane so you can catch the wave you set up, just to see your jungler wipe the wave, shoves your lane improperly therefore causing your laner to set up a freeze on you.
    That would be pretty tilting (especially as a top laner), and that is exactly when I need a non-sarcastic momma pup.