Im looking for a new game after coming off strangers of paradise. And i want it to be a huge time sink.

Something with a gear/ability systems preferablly. Jobs/class systen would be cool, also maybe tons of characters to use.

Im sure this is a long shot

  • jdmay101B
    10 months ago

    A lot for these games I’m wondering if it’s actually just the same game over again but harder and people are like “THATS THE REAL GAME”.

    Whereas Nier Automata is like, play for 12 hours, get to ending A, play through same time frame but from another character’s perspective, then an entirely new section of plot opens up for the last 15 hours.

    That’s very different from, say, Hades, where you go through the same areas, enemies and bosses basically but with different challenges to make it harder… And I love Hades.