I was around for overwatch 1 but never in depth understood of how characters interacted with each other to know how they should work in tandem etc etc
I assume a lot of the answers is going to relate to tank as it’s the only role that lost a member. But I wonder if any abilities from other characters also can’t work to their upmost potential
I might be in the minority here, but I much prefer 5v5 to 6v6. I think people need to tone down the tint on their rose glasses. I won’t go into detail of why I think the 5v5 system is better in general but suffice it to say that I feel like OW2 provides the ability for a higher density of high impact and playmaking moments on all roles.
Having said that, I am under no illusion that 5v5 is perfect and has introduced major issues of its own. I think the most glaring of these is the concept of ‘counter picking’, especially against tanks. There will always be heroes that do better against others but hard counters have gotten out of hand. One small way I would address this is to remove/reduce the retained ult charge after switching heroes to dissuade constant counter switching. In addition, it would be nice to see new supports that do more than just healing and damage and provide utility akin to what off-tanks provided in OW1. I also think leaning into the idea of tanks being affected differently by certain abilities (e.g. discord) could be helpful. Why not also apply that to friendly support abilities? It might make things a bit more confusing but for the sake of enjoyment and health of the game might be a path to follow.
Supports obviously are a contentious topic right now and I think the previously mentioned idea of different ability effects on tanks could help somewhat. However, I do think that power creep and a bit of an overreaction from support players (myself included) at the launch of OW2 has left healing and damage numbers for many supports a bit too high. I think supports with high damage potential need some kind of vulnerability such that they don’t just feel like DPS with better survivability and utility. Healing may need to be reduced across the board as well as current rates can cause some heroes to feel near unkillable without having to expend all of your resources on just them. This general survivability can start to incentivise my final qualm with the state of the game in 5v5: one-shots.
In general, I firmly believe that one-shots do not belong in a 5v5 environment (possible exceptions for abilities that make you very vulnerable). Many one-shot weapons and abilities were annoying but tolerable in OW1 due to the large amount of damage mitagtion possible (i.e. shields, bubbles, defense matrix, obese vaping men, etc) but with one less tank and therefore more damage connecting one-shots, particularly those at long range, feel exceptionally unfun to play into. Widow and especially hanzo are a couple of the worst offenders here, but this also applies to things like bastion bomb and firestrike through amp matrix and possibly now hook combo again (we’ll see how that turns out though). Characters that rely on one-shots feel out of place in the game and warrant reworking to make them feel more consistent to play as and less frustrating to play against.
Anyway, sorry for the long comment that didn’t even answer your question very well. Just wanted to get my thoughts out there and see what others think.