Some people here who think we are contenders need to lower their expectations, We are still under construction & we’re bottom 5 in D.rating, in our 4 losses we allowed 130pts & even when we win the opponent always scores 115~120pts (i know some of the games was bcz our 3rd stringers suck but still) u can’t win against the top teams like that, we just hope that they go cold from 3 while we make 20 on 40%. We either need another 20ppg scorer or an elite wing defender+legit backup 5 to compete & these moves won’t prolly happen until next offseason.

I think making the 2nd round (with a rookie center) this year would be a very very good season for us & reaching wcf would be a big overachievement if we consider the current holes in our rosters

We should make the right move to success, & i say we are on the right path so far, we continue developing Lively, Hardy & Omax. Build chemistry & let the team gel more, fill up our glaring hole in the wing in the summer when we got all the picks available & then we are set to contend.

  • shirtlessjoejacB
    10 months ago

    If he continues to put up these numbers, I just can’t imagine him getting anything near 20 from any team. Bulls might just hold onto him though for a rebuild. What’s the harm ya know?